Afghanistan idx=afgh |
 Republic of Angola idx=agla |
 Republic of Albania idx=alba |
 Alderney idx=alde |
 Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria idx=alge |
 Territory of American Samoa idx=amsa |
 Principality of Andorra idx=andr |
 British Overseas Territory of Anguilla idx=angu |
 Antarctica idx=anta |
 Argentine Republic idx=arge |
 League of Arab States idx=arle |
 Republic of Armenia idx=arme |
 Aruba idx=arub |
 Commonwealth of Australia idx=astl |
 Republic of Austria idx=aust |
 Azerbaijani Republic idx=azer |
 British Antarctic Territory idx=bant |
 Kingdom of Belgium idx=belg |
 British Overseas Territory of Bermuda idx=berm |
 Commonwealth of the Bahamas idx=bhms |
 Kingdom of Bahrain idx=bhrn |
 Republic of Belarus idx=blru |
 Republic of Bolivia idx=blva |
 Belize idx=blze |
 Republic of Benin idx=bnin |
 Republic of Botswana idx=bots |
 Federative Republic of Brazil idx=braz |
 Barbados idx=brbd |
 British Indian Ocean Territory idx=brin |
 Brunei Darussalam idx=brun |
 Republic of Burkina idx=bufa |
 Republic of Bulgaria idx=bulg |
 Republic of Burundi idx=buru |
 Overseas Territory of the British Virgin Islands idx=bvis |
 Central African Republic idx=cafr |
 Kingdom of Cambodia idx=camb |
 Republic of Cameroon idx=came |
 Dominion of Canada idx=cana |
 Caribbean Community idx=cari |
 Republic of Cape Verde idx=cave |
 Republic of Chad idx=chad |
 Republic of Chile idx=chil |
 Peoples Republic of China idx=chin |
 Territory of Christmas Island idx=chms |
 Commonwealth of Independent States idx=cins |
 Cook Islands idx=ckis |
 Republic of Colombia idx=clmb |
 Territory of Cocos Islands idx=cois |
 Commonwealth idx=comn |
 Union of the Comoros idx=como |
 Republic of the Congo idx=cong |
 Republic of Costa Rica idx=corc |
 Republic of Croatia idx=croa |
 Republic of Cuba idx=cuba |
 British Overseas Territory of the Cayman Islands idx=cyis |
 Republic of Cyprus idx=cypr |
 The Czech Republic idx=czec |
 Kingdom of Denmark idx=denm |
 Republic of Djibouti idx=djib |
 Commonwealth of Dominica idx=domn |
 Dominican Republic idx=dore |
 Republic of Ecuador idx=ecua |
 Arab Republic of Egypt idx=egyp |
 Republic of El Salvador idx=elsa |
 England idx=engl |
 Republic of Equatorial Guinea idx=eqgu |
 State of Eritrea idx=erit |
 Republic of Estonia idx=estn |
 Ethiopia idx=ethp |
 European Union idx=euun |
 British Overseas Territory of the Falkland Islands idx=fais |
 International Federation of Vexillological Associations idx=fiav |
 Republic of Fiji idx=fiji |
 Republic of Finland idx=finl |
 Territory of French Polynesia idx=fpol |
 French Republic idx=fran |
 Overseas Department of French Guiana idx=frgu |
 Gabonese Republic idx=gabn |
 Republic of the Gambia idx=gamb |
 Republic of Georgia idx=geor |
 Federal Republic of Germany idx=germ |
 Republic of Ghana idx=ghan |
 Gibraltar idx=gibr |
 Hellenic Republic idx=grec |
 State of Grenada idx=gren |
 Overseas Department of Guadeloupe idx=guad |
 Territory of Guam idx=guam |
 Republic of Guatemala idx=guat |
 The Bailiwick of Guernsey idx=guer |
 Republic of Guinea idx=guin |
 Republic of Haiti idx=hait |
 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region idx=hokn |
 Republic of Honduras idx=hond |
 Republic of Hungary idx=hung |
 Republic of Iceland idx=icel |
 International Committee of the Red Cross idx=icrc |
 Republic of India idx=inda |
 Republic of Indonesia idx=indn |
 Republic of Iraq idx=iraq |
 Republic of Ireland idx=irel |
 Organization of the Islamic Conference idx=isco |
 Isle of Man idx=isma |
 State of Israel idx=isra |
 Italian Republic idx=ital |
 Jamaica idx=jama |
 Japan idx=japa |
 The Bailiwick of Jersey idx=jers |
 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan idx=jord |
 Republic of Kazakhstan idx=kazk |
 Republic of Kenya idx=keny |
 Republic of Kiribati idx=kirb |
 State of Kuwait idx=kuwa |
 Kyrgyz Republic idx=kyrg |
 Republic of Latvia idx=latv |
 Lebanese Republic idx=leba |
 Kingdom of Lesotho idx=lest |
 Republic of Liberia idx=libe |
 Principality of Liechtenstein idx=liec |
 Republic of Lithuania idx=lith |
 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg idx=luxe |
 Macao Special Administrative Region idx=maca |
 Republic of Macedonia idx=mace |
 Republic of Madagascar idx=mada |
 Republic of the Marshall Islands idx=mais |
 Republic of Mali idx=mali |
 Federation of Malaysia idx=mals |
 Republic of Malta idx=malt |
 Republic of Malawi idx=malw |
 Overseas Department of Martinique idx=mart |
 Islamic Republic of Mauritania idx=maur |
 Territorial Collectivity of Mayotte idx=mayt |
 United Mexican States idx=mexc |
 Federated States of Micronesia idx=micr |
 Midway Islands idx=miis |
 Republic of Moldova idx=mold |
 Principality of Monaco idx=mona |
 Republic of Mongolia idx=mong |
 British Overseas Territory of Montserrat idx=mont |
 Kingdom of Morocco idx=morc |
 Republic of Mozambique idx=moza |
 Republic of Mauritius idx=mrts |
 Union of Myanmar idx=myan |
 Republic of Namibia idx=namb |
 North Atlantic Treaty Organization idx=nato |
 Republic of Nauru idx=naur |
 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus idx=ncyp |
 Netherlands Antilles idx=nean |
 Kingdom of Nepal idx=nepa |
 Kingdom of the Netherlands idx=neth |
 Territory of Norfolk Island idx=nfis |
 Federal Republic of Nigeria idx=ngra |
 Republic of Nicaragua idx=nica |
 Republic of Niger idx=nigr |
 Niue idx=niue |
 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands idx=nmar |
 Province of Northern Ireland idx=noir |
 Nordic Council idx=nord |
 Kingdom of Norway idx=norw |
 Territory of New Caledonia and Dependencies idx=nwca |
 New Zealand idx=nwze |
 Organization of American States idx=oast |
 Organization of African Unity idx=oaun |
 International Olympic Committee idx=olym |
 Sultanate of Oman idx=oman |
 Islamic Republic of Pakistan idx=paks |
 Republic of Palau idx=pala |
 Independent State of Papua New Guinea idx=pang |
 Republic of Paraguay idx=para |
 Republic of the Philippines idx=phil |
 British Overseas Territory of the Pitcairn Islands idx=piis |
 Republic of Poland idx=pola |
 Republic of Portugal idx=port |
 Commonwealth of Puerto Rico idx=purc |
 State of Qatar idx=qata |
 Russian Federation idx=russ |
 Republic of Rwanda idx=rwan |
 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia idx=saar |
 Republic of San Marino idx=sama |
 Nordic Sami Conference idx=sami |
 Sark idx=sark |
 Scotland idx=scot |
 Principality of Seborga idx=sebo |
 Republic of Sierra Leone idx=sile |
 Republic of Singapore idx=sing |
 Republic of Korea idx=skor |
 Republic of Slovenia idx=slva |
 Somali Republic idx=smla |
 Republic of Somaliland idx=smld |
 Republic of South Africa idx=soaf |
 Solomon Islands idx=sois |
 Kingdom of Spain idx=span |
 Secretariat of the Pacific Community idx=spco |
 Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka idx=srla |
 Saint Lucia idx=stlu |
 Republic of the Sudan idx=suda |
 Republic of Suriname idx=surn |
 Slovak Republic idx=svka |
 Kingdom of Sweden idx=swdn |
 Swiss Confederation idx=swit |
 Syrian Arab Republic idx=syra |
 Kingdom of Swaziland idx=szld |
 Republic of China idx=taiw |
 Taiwan idx=taiw |
 Republic of Tajikistan idx=tajk |
 United Republic of Tanzania idx=tanz |
 Kingdom of Thailand idx=thal |
 Autonomous Region of Tibet idx=tibe |
 Turkmenistan idx=tkst |
 Togolese Republic idx=togo |
 Tokelau idx=toke |
 Kingdom of Tonga idx=tong |
 Tristan da Cunha idx=trdc |
 Tromelin idx=tris |
 Republic of Tunisia idx=tuns |
 Republic of Turkey idx=turk |
 Tuvalu idx=tuva |
 United Arab Emirates idx=uaem |
 Republic of Uganda idx=ugan |
 Ukraine idx=ukrn |
 United Kingdom of Great Britain idx=unkg |
 United Nations idx=unna |
 United States of America idx=unst |
 Oriental Republic of Uruguay idx=urgy |
 Virgin Islands of the United States idx=usvs |
 Republic of Uzbekistan idx=uzbk |
 State of the Vatican City idx=vacy |
 Republic of Vanuatu idx=vant |
 Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela idx=venz |
 Republic of Yemen idx=yemn |
 Democratic Republic of Congo idx=zare |
 Republic of Zimbabwe idx=zbwe |