2022-07 08 16:42:28  
		Caso :134 
2022-07 08 16:42:28  
cargar datos del sujeto(,,s,113,134)
				select  s.*, m.nombre as nom_muni, c.nom_cat,fec_caso
				from  wf_caso_113 w
				inner join core_sujetoverificacion  s on w.id=134 AND s.id =w.core_sujetoverificacion_id
				inner join plan_municipio m on s.plan_municipio_id=m.id
				inner join core_sujetocategoria c on s.core_sujetocategoria_id=c.id
2022-07 08 16:42:28  
tabla dat adic
	select tabla from core_sujetoverificaciontipo where id=7
2022-07 08 16:42:28  
tabla :core_sujetoverificaciongeneral
	SELECT * FROM core_sujetoverificaciongeneral where id=87101017
		CasoSeguimiento :227 
	EjecutarTarea_285() Form id_comp1132
			EjecutarPaso_461: form:44 , caso=134 id_comp 1132
				Mostrar form
 fin 2022-07-08  16:42:28

2022-07-08 16:42:28TraerCaso(134,113,)
 CargarCaso :134
2022-07 08 16:42:28  
CargarDatos: Caso :134
	cargar datos de ejecucion de los ultimos pasos 
		select p.*,b.wf_tarea_id as tarea_id,
				u.apellido||' '||u.nombre|| ': '||u.cargo as usr_ejec
				(select max(id) as id, wf_caso_113_seguimiento_id,wf_paso_id from wf_caso_113_pasos a1  group by wf_caso_113_seguimiento_id,wf_paso_id order by id
				inner join wf_caso_113_pasos p using(id,wf_caso_113_seguimiento_id)
				inner join ( select max(id) as wf_caso_113_seguimiento_id,wf_caso_113_id,wf_tarea_id from wf_caso_113_seguimiento where wf_caso_113_id =? group by wf_caso_113_id,wf_tarea_id order by wf_caso_113_id,wf_caso_113_seguimiento_id  ) b using(wf_caso_113_seguimiento_id)
				left join  usuarios  u using(core_usuario_id)  where tabla not in ('sce.t53')
		Error :
	cargar datos de ejecucion de las tareas (las ultimas si el proceso tiene ciclos) 
		select a.*, u.apellido||' '||u.nombre|| ': '||u.cargo as usr_asig  , ur.apellido||' '||ur.nombre|| ': '||ur.cargo as usr_resol from
				wf_caso_113_seguimiento a
				inner join (
				select max(b0.id) as id,b0.wf_caso_113_id,b0.wf_tarea_id from wf_caso_113_seguimiento b0  where b0.wf_caso_113_id =? group by b0.wf_caso_113_id,b0.wf_tarea_id order by wf_caso_113_id,id
				) b using(id)
				left join  usuarios  u using(core_usuario_id)
				left join  usuarios  ur on ur.core_usuario_id=core_usuario_id_resol
			{"0":"227","id":"227","1":"134","wf_caso_113_id":"134","2":"285","wf_tarea_id":"285","3":null,"core_usuario_id":null,"4":"2022-07-08 16:42:28","fec_asig":"2022-07-08 16:42:28","5":null,"core_usuario_id_resol":null,"6":null,"fec_resol":null,"7":"285","wf_tarea_id_sig":"285","8":null,"usr_asig":null,"9":null,"usr_resol":null}
2022-07 08 16:42:28  
cargar datos del sujeto(,,s,113,134)
				select  s.*, m.nombre as nom_muni, c.nom_cat,fec_caso
				from  wf_caso_113 w
				inner join core_sujetoverificacion  s on w.id=134 AND s.id =w.core_sujetoverificacion_id
				inner join plan_municipio m on s.plan_municipio_id=m.id
				inner join core_sujetocategoria c on s.core_sujetocategoria_id=c.id
2022-07 08 16:42:29  
tabla dat adic
	select tabla from core_sujetoverificaciontipo where id=7
2022-07 08 16:42:29  
tabla :core_sujetoverificaciongeneral
	SELECT * FROM core_sujetoverificaciongeneral where id=87101017
 fin 2022-07-08  16:42:29

2022-07-08 16:42:56TraerCaso(134,113,)
 CargarCaso :134
2022-07 08 16:42:56  
CargarDatos: Caso :134
	cargar datos de ejecucion de los ultimos pasos 
		select p.*,b.wf_tarea_id as tarea_id,
				u.apellido||' '||u.nombre|| ': '||u.cargo as usr_ejec
				(select max(id) as id, wf_caso_113_seguimiento_id,wf_paso_id from wf_caso_113_pasos a1  group by wf_caso_113_seguimiento_id,wf_paso_id order by id
				inner join wf_caso_113_pasos p using(id,wf_caso_113_seguimiento_id)
				inner join ( select max(id) as wf_caso_113_seguimiento_id,wf_caso_113_id,wf_tarea_id from wf_caso_113_seguimiento where wf_caso_113_id =? group by wf_caso_113_id,wf_tarea_id order by wf_caso_113_id,wf_caso_113_seguimiento_id  ) b using(wf_caso_113_seguimiento_id)
				left join  usuarios  u using(core_usuario_id)  where tabla not in ('sce.t53')
		Error :
	cargar datos de ejecucion de las tareas (las ultimas si el proceso tiene ciclos) 
		select a.*, u.apellido||' '||u.nombre|| ': '||u.cargo as usr_asig  , ur.apellido||' '||ur.nombre|| ': '||ur.cargo as usr_resol from
				wf_caso_113_seguimiento a
				inner join (
				select max(b0.id) as id,b0.wf_caso_113_id,b0.wf_tarea_id from wf_caso_113_seguimiento b0  where b0.wf_caso_113_id =? group by b0.wf_caso_113_id,b0.wf_tarea_id order by wf_caso_113_id,id
				) b using(id)
				left join  usuarios  u using(core_usuario_id)
				left join  usuarios  ur on ur.core_usuario_id=core_usuario_id_resol
			{"0":"227","id":"227","1":"134","wf_caso_113_id":"134","2":"285","wf_tarea_id":"285","3":null,"core_usuario_id":null,"4":"2022-07-08 16:42:28","fec_asig":"2022-07-08 16:42:28","5":null,"core_usuario_id_resol":null,"6":null,"fec_resol":null,"7":"285","wf_tarea_id_sig":"285","8":null,"usr_asig":null,"9":null,"usr_resol":null}
2022-07 08 16:42:56  
cargar datos del sujeto(,,s,113,134)
				select  s.*, m.nombre as nom_muni, c.nom_cat,fec_caso
				from  wf_caso_113 w
				inner join core_sujetoverificacion  s on w.id=134 AND s.id =w.core_sujetoverificacion_id
				inner join plan_municipio m on s.plan_municipio_id=m.id
				inner join core_sujetocategoria c on s.core_sujetocategoria_id=c.id
2022-07 08 16:42:56  
tabla dat adic
	select tabla from core_sujetoverificaciontipo where id=7
2022-07 08 16:42:56  
tabla :core_sujetoverificaciongeneral
	SELECT * FROM core_sujetoverificaciongeneral where id=87101017
2022-07 08 16:42:56  
	EjecutarTarea_285() Form id_comp1132
			EjecutarPaso_461: form:44 , caso=134 id_comp 1132
					Datos a guardar:
						    [wf_proceso_id] => 113
						    [wf_paso_id] => 461
						    [wf_tarea_id] => 285
						    [wf_caso_id] => 134
						    [id] => 1132
						    [accion] => nextPaso
						    [reg] => s
						    [rta] => n
						    [cod_formulario2] => 44
						    [id_periodo] => 2022
						    [obs_ingreso] => 
						    [cod_bloque] => 244
						    [oid] => 
						    [oid_maestro] => 
						    [2541] => 2078
						    [2542] => 236
						    [2543] => RETIRO
						    [2544] => 2022-07-08
					OID: 95
					rta: 1 dato:95 tabla:sce.t44 
							se carga 113_285_461_44_244_25442022-07-08
							se carga 113_285_461_44_244_2543RETIRO
							se carga 113_285_461_44_244_2542236
							se carga 113_285_461_44_244_25412078
				SiguientePasoDe461: Funcion para ejecutar el siguiente paso 
			Condicion Tarea : true
			Ultimo seg :227 
			Ultimo seg :228 
	EjecutarTarea_286() Acta id_comp1132
				198  198
			EjecutarPaso_462: docs:105 , caso=134 id_comp 1132
				Mostrar docs
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					$id_fun='  113_285_461_44_244_2542  ';	
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					$sql="select oid_rad, extract (year from  fecha_core_usuario_id_creacion )-2000 as anio_rad from sce.t1 where wf_caso_id=? order by oid desc";
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					<div align="center"><br />
					  <strong>SISTEMA DE INVENTARIOS<br />
					  GESTIÓN DE CAMBIOS<br /><br />
					  </strong><br /><br />
					 Fecha de la reasignación: <?php echo $fecha_reg;?></td>
					<br />
					<br />
					<table width="100%" border="0.1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="3">
					    <td><strong>FUNCIONARIO </strong></td>	
					    <td><?php echo $filay['nombre']; echo " ".$filay['apellido'] ?></td>	
					<br><strong>Artículos asociados:</strong><br>
					<table width="100%" border="0.1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="3">
					    <th align="center"><strong>Serial</strong></th>
					    <th align="center"><strong>Artículo</strong></th>
					    <th align="center"><strong>Descripción</strong></th>
					  <?php while($filaz=$rs_afun->fetchRow()) {?>
						  <td align="center"><?php echo $filaz['serial']; ?></td>	
					    <td align="center"><?php echo $filaz['articulo']; ?></td>	
					    <td align="center"><?php echo $filaz['descripcion']; ?></td>	
					  <?php } ?>
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					<strong>ARTÍCULO REASIGNADO:</strong><br><br>
					<table width="100%" border="0.1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="3">
							<td width="19%"><strong>CÓDIGO: </strong><?php echo $filax['id_cod_inv']; ?></td>
							<td width="19%"><strong>SERIAL: </strong><?php echo $filax['id_ser_art']; ?></td>
							<td width="19%"><strong>NOMBRE: </strong><?php echo $filax['id_nom_art']; ?></td>
							<td width="24%"><strong>DESCRIPCIÓN: </strong><?php echo $filax['id_des']; ?></td>
							<td width="19%"><strong>REFERENCIA: </strong><?php echo $filax['id_ref_art']; ?></td>
					<br />
					<br />
					<br />
					<br />
					<br />
					<br />
					<br /> <? ;?>
					&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>Firma Encargado</strong>
					<br /><br /><br />
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					  sce.t35 t35 ON  t30.oid=t35.art LEFT JOIN sce.t29 t29 ON t35.fun=t29.oid 
					  WHERE t30.oid = $id_art;";
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					    <th><strong>FUNCIONARIO ANTERIOR </strong></th>	
					    <th><strong>NUEVO FUNCIONARIO</strong></th>	
					    <td><?php echo $filaFunAnt['nombre']; echo " ".$filaFunAnt['apellido'] ?></td>	
					    <td><?php echo $filay['nombre']; echo " ".$filay['apellido'] ?></td>	
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	    [suc] => 1
 fin 2022-07-08  16:42:58